Course Description

Focsus Fro Life Course

Course Description

 Day 1

  • Introductions
  • Training Goals
  • Overview of Focus for Life/trainer’s personal stories
  • Definitions
  •  Wellness
  •   Resiliency
  •   Recovery
  • Where does life stop us
  • Identifying Stress and the effects of stress (eustress/distress)
  • Tenets of Focus for Life (salutogenesis)
  • Introduction Meat and Bones
  • Meat and Bone Practice
  • Wrap up and assignments

 Day 2

  • Review Assignments
  • What is Real?
  • Be the Change you want to see in the world
  • Personal Power through Personal Responsibility
  • Making Choices (minimizing cognitive dissonance)
  • Identifying Core Values
  • Identifying the power of language, using new Language
  • How the Brain Works, brain plasticity
  • Begin Personal Mission Statement
  • Assignment


 Day 3

  • Review assignment
  • Resource game, you have everything you need
  • Achieving Health, Calm and Happiness
  • You are not an island – interdependency/gratitude exercise
  • The Formula for Life
  • Personal Mission Statement
  • Power of Declaration
  • Acknowledgements, Certificates and Closing

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