The Prosumer Blog

By Janet Paleo February 8, 2025
Recently, I was reflecting on the topic of our journaling class, and one theme stood out: accepting life on life’s terms. To me, this means accepting myself—who I am and who I am not. I accept the good, the bad, and the ugly within me. I accept my peace and my anger, my size, my body, my health, my shoe size, my hair color, and everything else about me that is visible or known. Acceptance doesn’t mean I have to like everything about myself. It means I stop fighting against reality, stop complaining, and stop criticizing myself. Acceptance is about acknowledging the truth as it is and then deciding where to make changes. Beating myself up doesn’t change anything; it only leaves me feeling worse. But when I accept myself as I am, I can focus my energy on the things I can improve. This concept extends beyond me—it applies to accepting life itself. Life doesn’t always hand us what we want, and we don’t have to like it. But by accepting it as it happens, we give ourselves the power to respond. When we stop fighting against life, pretending it isn’t real, or endlessly complaining, we can find a path forward. Complaining without action drains us, leaves us feeling helpless, and harms our well-being. But acceptance restores our energy and gives us room to act. Acceptance brings peace. When we accept what happens in life, we find peace. When we accept ourselves—flaws and all—we find peace. Fighting against life or raging against circumstances doesn’t change the situation; it only hurts us. We have choices: we can accept it, we can work to change it, or we can rage against it. Getting upset, angry, or worried only harms us—not what caused the upset. Sometimes, we can do something: we can change laws, politics, or our own behavior. Other times, we must accept life as it is and seek the lessons within it. Life’s challenges can teach us patience, resilience, and growth. You can’t live a full life if you only accept the good and ignore the difficult parts. The struggles—the things we don’t like—are often the very things that help us grow. And when we grow, those challenges transform into gifts. Of course, there are times when we can’t change a situation. In those moments, acceptance teaches us tolerance, endurance, and stamina. It isn’t easy, but it builds the foundation for patience. Meditation, for example, can help us let go of anger, criticism, and the need to complain. I’ve learned this lesson personally. For many years, I was angry at my mom for not protecting me from my uncle. I believed she must have known what was happening, and I held onto that anger. But fifty years later, during a personal growth program, I was challenged to let go. The instructor said, “If you are alive and breathing today, your parents did their job. You need to thank them.” I resisted at first. I didn’t want to thank my mom. But I’d invested in the course, so I took the advice and called her. That conversation changed my perspective. I heard her story, her truth. At twenty-two, my mom was overwhelmed—raising three children under five, with my dad working nights and attending college during the day. The two people she relied on for help had both died, and she felt abandoned. She believed she was failing. When I thought about myself at twenty-two, I realized how hard her situation must have been. In that moment, I accepted her—who she was and who she was not. I could have held onto my anger and pain, but it only hurt me. By choosing to accept her, I found empathy, peace, and a path to rebuild our relationship. Today, we have a good connection, and I know she never knew what was happening. To put this philosophy into practice, start by listening to yourself: What do you complain about? What makes you rage? What are you angry about? Accept what happened, then decide how to grow from it. Complaining keeps you stuck, but acceptance opens the door to growth and transformation. You always have a choice. Whatever is causing you pain or anger can be reframed as a learning opportunity—a chance to grow and strengthen yourself. This approach is not only more productive, but it’s also kinder to your mind, body, and spirit. Life’s challenges teach us how to navigate, how to endure, and how to appreciate the good when it comes. Sometimes, the very things that hurt us the most turn out to be the greatest gifts. Be good to yourself.

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 Virtual Prosumer
On hold for the summer

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 Phone Numbers to Talk

Hope Center Bilingual Peer Warm Line!   844-755-4673
12-10 pm M-W, 6pm– 10 Thursday and 12-6 pm Friday 
Tarrant County Peer Warm Line
 8 am - 5 pm M - F

English  817-546-7826
Spanish  817-546-7827

988 New Crisis Line. Note your call may not stay in Texas. When you call, it may take a moment as they try to connect you to the nearest Center. There are five 988 Centers in Texas. If they can’t connect you to one in Texas, they will route your call out of state/

Grand Office Opening

March 20, 25025

10-2 pm CST

8610 N New Braunfels Ave

Suite 250

San Antonio, TX 78217

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Who is a Prosumer?
A Prosumer is someone who gives back to the community and 
is proactive in their recovery! 
Our Mission
Create an environment where people are challenged and 
supported to find their power, as only Prosumers can!

Our Vision
A world where people courageously grow and realize their dreams.

Many people will find recovery accidentally.
We believe that recovery should be on purpose.
Empowering people with lived experience 
of mental health services to achieve recovery!

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Prosumer Meetings

Prosumers hold monthly meetings based on topics of how to live life in spite of challenges we have been living with. While support happens at the meetings, we are not a traditional support meeting. We hold empowerment meetings to give people the tools on how to live life!! RECOVERY IS POSSIBLE!!

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Prosumer Radio

Our radio station, Prosumer emPowerment Radio, the PPR is an online empowerment station available 24/7 with songs which have been chosen because they have positive "I" statement songs within the song. When listening or singing the songs, you are training your brain to look for what is possible. Also on the station are empowerment quotes, gratitude lists and stories of courage.
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Prosumer Newsletters

The Prosumer News is a publication designed to keep you in touch with articles to empower you and inspire you to live a full life. Additionally, you will find upcoming events, news information which may be helpful.     We also accept articles from Prosumers who share their inspiring views. We do reserve the right to edit as needed. Click below to read our current issue of the Prosumer News.
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For Prosumers with Criminal Justice Involvement, we have complied a list of employers who hire people with this background. Click here. While this list was created for the Houston area, many are national employers who may also follow the same guidelines. 
Thanks Heather!

Self Advocacy  Training

This is a self paced, online course to learn about your rights in a public mental health system, learn some assertiveness tips and who to contact if you need assistance in navigating the system. / About1.5 hours CEUs available for Peers certified under TCB. This course is Free.

Self Advoacacy

Advocacy for Others

This self-paced online course will teach you how to advocate for others. Learn what to do and how to do it so that you are truly representing the wish of the person you are working with.   About1.5 hours CEUs available for Peers certified under TCB. This course is Free.

Advocacy for Others

Basic Systemic Advocacy

Your life is significantly impacted by the legislative system in Texas. Learn what the legislative system is and how toto communicate effectively with that system. A self paced online course of about 7 hours hours CEUs available for Peers certified under TCB. This course is Free.

Basic Advocacy

Advanced Systemic Advocacy

Continue your training from Basic into the Advanced course. Learn how to testify, work with legislators, change policies and more.  A self=paced lone course of about 8 hours. EEUS available for Peers certified under TCB. This course is Free.

Advanced Advocacy
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